
Downit Staff
Created: almost 6 years ago / Last modified: almost 6 years ago

Getting Started


Please download the application from here.
Currently only for macOS. The apps for other operating system will be released in the future.
Install with double clicking Downit.pkg.
Also please see roadmap for the future schedules.


Please be sure to withdraw from downit first before uninstallation. If you forget this, only subscription will remain continue...

  1. Delete your application
  2. Delete the following setting directory manually.
/Users/[username]/Library/Application Support/Downit



To sign up, email and password are necessary.
When sign up is completed, mail will be sent. Please click on the URL and complete the confirmation.


If you do not like Downit, you can cancel the service from Account Center. For deletion, a password is necessary for confirmation.
Once you unsubscribe, the markdown, images, published documents on the server will be deleted and the subscription will be canceled immediately.
I hope that will not happen.


Add a markdown

Press + icon on the top of the markdown list, or cmd + n to create a new markdown.

About markdown syntax

If you want to know about markdown syntax, please visit Markdown Guide. Downit also follows Github flavored markdown.

Add a notebook

Press + icon on the top of the notebook list, or cmd + shift + n to create a new notebook.

Add images

Drag & drop image file onto the text input field.

Insert an emoji

To display emoji dialog, press :(semi-colon) and use arrow key and enter to input.
Please check out emoji cheat sheet.

Categorize by labels

Labels will be very useful when you classify or filter markdowns.
Press cmd + l to show Edit labes window.

Share markdown to others

You can publish the markdown from the share button.
After sharing the markdown, your local copy becomes a draft, and if you want to update with the contents you edited again, click the refresh button in the share window.
A table of contents is automatically attached to the shared markdown like this.
It can be used for managing your blog!

Export markdown

You can export your markdown as .md or .html to you local disk.

Browse older versions

You can compare old versions and roll back to selected version.
The version history is saved on your computer, so it is not subject to synchronization.

Delete markdown

Once you delete a markdown, markdown will be moved to In trash.
Click Delete physically to delete it completely from the server.

When someting wrong

If the app goes wrong, please restart app or reload the screen with cmd + R.


Currently downit has the following limitations.
Sorry for inconvenience...

  • Up to 1MiB / per markdown (1024 x 1024 characters in single byte character)